Suvi Koponen by Mert & Marcus for Vogue Paris September 2012
I've said many things about Emmanuelle Alt. Most of them weren't words of encouragement. Mostly it was hard critics and how she's not Carine. And she'll never be. But recently I read something about Emm and it all made sense in my head. Emmanuelle Alt is indie. She's an indie fashion editor. That totally suits her. 
Saskia De Brauw by Mert & Marcus for Vogue Paris September 2012
She's been trying for a while now to shed Carine shadow of the magazine, and she's been successful at that. I've said many times, and I'll say it again. I think she's an amazing stylist. She has an amazing sense of style and knows what is happening in the world. Is it enough for me? No. But that doesn't mean she's not able to create wonderful pictures. I just think of vogue paris more sexy rebel than indie-chic. But that's just me. I mean she "said" herself by putting Gisele all natural on her first cover, giving her the gypsy look. And done that again, and again. She's an indie girl. Although I like that, cause I think that's very cool an indie vogue, how amazing and shit like that, it's just not vogue paris. Vogue paris is not indie, it's daring. it's sexy. it's fucking paris come on!!
Although the cover idea was a flop for me I have to hand it to Emm for this September issue. She slayed all the editorials. Everything looks amazing. Everything is extraordinary. Is it Carine? No, not a bit. But it's good. I guess I can say now that Emmanuelle has two distinct looks: the hippie-chic-natural beauty and the over the top dramatic styling. I absolutely love this September issue of vogue paris. all of it. I just wish it could like this every month.

Saskia De Brauw and Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus for Vogue Paris September 2012
